.yesterday I told to you all about my final project.. ^^
.before it I will introduce my group.. my group is D II..
.my group is contain 4 members, they are :
- Fenny Delusia R. (5109100013)
- Hishniyatul Millah (5109100118)
- Weny Mistarika R. (5109100173)
- Mamlu'atul Hikmah (5109100708)
*my friend sorry if there is wrong when I typed your names.. so sorry*
.and now I will introduce our final project.. :P
.our final project named WIMFlayer, that is took from our initial name..
.W is from Wenny..
.I is from Ika (me)..
.M is from Milla..
.and F is from Fenny..
.WIMFlayer is like a media player, but it is so simple..
.because we still have been studying so.. yeeach.. we still have not been made like winamp (native)..
.but we will try to do the best in making it..
*ganbatte ne,,*
.firstly.. our FP (abbreviation from Final Project) just contain simple features..
.there are.. it can play, stop, next, and previous the song..
.and it can add song, delete song, and it have a simple view..
.but after we presented to asistens (thursday, june 20)..
.we get the add.. and that's so much..
.but we believe.. we can do it..
.okeey fight-tooooooo.... Ooh... (like yankumi)..
.so in our FP.. we have to can give the rating in our songs, we can sort our songs using genre, we must give the library, we have to can search songs just using it's key, and we have to can save the playlist..
.and the optional is making trackbar.. *Ow.. Ow.. Ow..*
.because that's many..
.so we make a stucture (job descriptio).. and you know..
.I'm the PM (Project Manager).. OMG..
.Ika (Me) as PM, User Interface, and Coder (amiin)..
.Weny as Design, making input/output, and Coder..
.Milla as Sound, design, and Coder..
.Fenny as Picture, making input/output, and Coder too..
.I wish that will be fine.. and we can finish it.. amiiin.. ^^
.Okeey just it..
.and now.. we are busy to search reference..
.but our first reference is IrrKlang.com..
.And special thanks.. we point to our asisten.. she is Mrs.Noor Fitria A. (51010100025)..
.Okeey guys.. see you..
.I'll post someyhing again soon about my FP..
.maybe about our Code..
.and our design.. ^^
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